Privacy Notice

When you hand over your personal information to AYU Trade, it will be stored in a database (“the System”), for which AYU Trade is responsible. The System is a practical tool for AYU Trade and serves to offer you a high service level. This privacy statement will explain how AYU Trade handles the personal information that you have handed over to AYU Trade and how this information is used in the System.

Gathering of information
We will not collect any personal information from you (like name, address, telephone number or e–mail address) for use in the System, unless you provide this information to AYU Trade voluntarily.

Purpose and sharing of your information
The personal information that you have provided to AYU Trade is stored only to provide you with information or to make offers for products or services that are relevant to you. Your personal information we only share with companies that are contractually linked to AYU Trade. You have the right for inspection of your own personal information. For any adjustment or removal of your personal information in the System, you can send an e-mail to

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